Support Further Development of Prayer Prompter!
In order to get Prayer Prompter into the hands of as many people as possible, a fully functional version with Scripture passages and other prayer resources is available on the App Store for free. Since it was introduced in 2012, programming expenses have exceeded $50,000.
If you have been blessed through the use of Prayer Prompter, please consider helping with the cost of development. You can contribute by credit card or PayPal by clicking on the button below. (Note: Your contribution is not tax-deductible.)
What else is there to do?
- Offer new users a choice of Scripture passages from the most popular Bible versions such as KJV, NKJV, NASB, NIV, ESV,and NLT for free.
- Develop a version of Prayer Prompter for Android devices.
- Add a title search feature to the Folder List, Entry List and “Choose Folders.”
- Offer Prayer Prompter in Spanish.
- Universal sync across all devices.
- A Scripture memorization feature
- Add other new features that will make Prayer Prompter even more versatile and useful. (Please send your new feature requests for consideration.)