Prompting Our Prayers

July 10, 2014

Ken Puls over at Ken Puls Music Blog asks the question, “What can we do to be more consistent and more abundant in our prayers? Here are five practical ways you can bolster your praying.”

  1. Look for reasons to pray
  2. Try to begin and end the day in prayer
  3. Take opportunity with other believers to pray
  4. Set aside time during the day to be alone and pray
  5. Use everyday tasks to prompt your prayers

Read his explanation of each of these five points here.

With a blog title like “Prompter our Prayers”, I couldn’t resist leaving a plug for Prayer Prompter in the comments.

Your title, “Prompting our Prayers”, provides an irresistible opportunity to mention the app I created called “Prayer Prompter”. It’s emphasis is on worshiping God rather than just asking for things, in other words, seeking His face before His hand. It “prompts” prayer by offering users an easy way to store and organize Scripture passages as well as prayer requests. To some extent, it resembles the card file in a shoe box that many people still use for keeping track of Scripture passages, memory verses and prayer requests. But unlike a card file, it’s portable, flexible and intelligent. It is also free and without any advertising.

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