Prayer Prompter 2.0 is almost ready!

March 18, 2013

June 11 Update: Well things didn’t happen exactly as planned. 1) My freelance programmer took a day job and, as a result, didn’t have much in the way of spare time to work on the 2.0 update. 2) We had a lot of bugs that crept in as a result of the increased complexity of the iPad portion of the code. The solution was for the programmer to go back and integrate many of the pieces that had been added along the way and it took many weeks to get that done. I am now pleased to announce that we submitted the finished 2.0 update to the App Store a few days ago and we’re waiting for them to review and approve it.

Original Post: When 2.0 shows up in the next few weeks on the App Store, it will be a “universal app”. That means it has a dedicated user interface for iPhones, iPads and iPods (iPod Touch, that is). We (the programmer the beta testers and I) have been working feverishly ever since early December. We’re finishing up by working to find and fix a few programming bugs. We would rather fix them before the release rather than afterwards so users won’t have to deal with them.

What’s New in Prayer Prompter 2.0?

1) “Visual Settings for both the iPhone and iPad. It works so well in bright light, soft light or darkness, you won’t believe your eyes! Here’s what it looks like on the iPhone:

(Tap or click on an image to enlarge it and then
use the “<<" and ">>” arrows to view the others.
Tap or click on the image you are viewing to exit.)
2) A dedicated iPad “User Interface. Here are some screen shots:
(Tap or click on an image to enlarge it and then
use the “<<" and ">>” arrows to view the others.
Tap or click on the image you are viewing to exit.)

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